
Everybody needs a little motivation.

Kanchieve ™ eases up the process of adding healthy habits to your everyday routine.

14 challenges

to choose from.

Are you ready? 👀

Staying in the loop

Each challenge offers different interactive features to keep you motivated.

⏰ Time your learning progress

🎈 Breathing exercises

🎯 A to-do list of your goals

🚀 & more

Quitting bad habits can be hard.

But it’s easier if you can see the path, that leads towards your goal.

🔭 See when detox symptoms might arrive

🩺 Have your body’s recovery visualised

📓 Past achievements boost your morale to carry on

A widget for every lifestyle.

Use customisable widgets to keep track of your achievements with ease.

🌊 Water intake tracking

✅ A to-do list to visualise your goals with

🔥 Various calisthenic exercises

Personal achievements

will remain personal.

🎯 No ads.

🎯 No trackers.

🎯 No excuses.

The app for good habits.